News 2014
Munich, September 29, 2014
Munich school goes diving in Croatia – with air by BAUER
Here’s a school project that must be unique throughout Germany: every summer, students taking the Marine Biology elective course at Munich secondary school Thomas Mann Gymnasium go diving on the Murtar peninsula – with an ecological focus. Along for the ride are two BAUER compressors that provide the divers with pure breathing air.
The timetable for this elective course sounds like the dream of all school students: 9 am to 3 pm, diving and identification of species, or perhaps boat trips to measure a bay. After 3 pm school’s out, and these “lessons” give way to water sports like wakeboarding or water-skiing. It’s all in a day’s routine on the excursion to Kosirina Bay on the Croatian peninsula of Murtar.
It may sound like endless leisure fun, but the field trip involved a year’s hard work on site and one year of preparation, as Florian Kretzler, biology teacher and initiator of the project, explained when he visited BAUER.
In addition to their research, all students, supervisors and teachers in the group were involved in common activities ranging from cooking and looking after the equipment to holding talks. These activities brought unexpected abilities to light in some members, and helped to cement the team together throughout the two-week stay, creating a close-knit unit out of the isolated small groups of students that had arrived at the start. Research was conducted with extreme professionalism; the students were finally able to put into practice the skills and abilities they had acquired in the previous year, including microscope work, identification of species and cataloguing. The long-term objective of the annual field camp is to document the negative environmental impacts in the bay; the evidence thus gathered can be used to persuade local authorities to take protective action, such as creating reserves for fauna and marking out fixed mooring points for the numerous sailing boats in the area. To do this, the divers investigate the sediment at the bottom of the bay to determine any changes occurring in the marine life for which it is a habitat. Other members of the group catch animals in the shore area and identify their species before releasing them once more. These tasks will build evidence of how the species in the region are declining over the years.
When BAUER KOMPRESSOREN heard about the project, the company was so enthusiastic that it provided the group free of charge with filter cartridges for breathing air treatment plus fittings for simultaneously filling multiple bottles, as a contribution to sponsoring the field trip.
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