Новости 2015
The BAUER stand at the Interschutz trade show
Safe breathing air – the central topic at the BAUER stand
Outdoor firefighting demonstration
Using BAUER breathing air in firefighting
DRÄGER’s realistic fire demonstration with BAUER compressor
The firefighting team prepares for action
Volker Reymann from the DRÄGER team explains the BAUER B-SAFE safety filling system
Мюнхене, 22.06.2015
BAUER at Interschutz 2015
Early June 2015; the scene: Hanover Exhibition Centre. Sirens wail as a fire truck races towards a burning car and screeches to a halt. Firefighters leap out and extinguish the flames in mounds of foam. A few metres further on, flames crackle into the sky amid billowing clouds of dark smoke. Passers-by might take this for some kind of major disaster – but in fact, the incident is a series of product demonstrations in the activity area of this year’s Interschutz, better known as “Roter Hahn” (“Red Rooster”).
The world’s largest and most important firefighting trade show is held every five years and attracts members of the firefighting industry from every continent throughout the globe. As well as product presentations, the trade show includes live events, demonstrations and competitions in which the best firefighting teams pit their skills against each other.
BAUER KOMPRESSOREN has a broadly focused presence at this major trade show, with its own internationally staffed large-scale stand as well as a filling system at the Breathing Air Workshop located at the stand of its strategic partner, the globally operating company DRÄGER. This realistic setup allows visitors to experience exactly how firefighting equipment at a fire station is prepared for use and maintained afterwards.
The BAUER stand was thronged with members of firefighting teams, mainly interested in the “Air Monitoring” information island. Online measurement – continuous live monitoring of air quality during system operation by the new B-DETECTION series devices – is exactly what these specialist visitors need. After all, safety is paramount, and breathing air is the most important part of a firefighter’s kit!
In the late afternoon spectators thronged to the activity area where blue steel containers bearing the DRÄGER logo were belching clouds of smoke. A large monitor screen enabled them to follow the actions of the firefighting team battling the (liquid gas-fuelled) fire in the smoke-filled interior of the container – an enormously stressful situation. But the firefighters knew they could rely on the quality of their breathing air, supplied by a large-scale sound-insulated PE Series compressor provided for the demonstration by BAUER.
BAUER KOMPRESSOREN GmbH Stäblistr. 8 81477 Мюнхен, Германия | |
Тел.: | +49 (0) 89 / 78049 – 0 |
Факс: | +49 (0) 89 / 78049 – 167 |
Эл. почта: | info@bauer-kompressoren.de |